The British Association for Screen Entertainment provides a diverse range of educational services, from smart tools which encourage consumers to access content from legal services, to training and development programmes for category stakeholders, to regular updates to and from policy makers designed to support the most effective regulatory framework for the growth of the category.
A brand new cross-category monthly film promotion that runs every month across the year!
‘Moments Worth Paying For’ is BASE’s high-profile, multi-media consumer awareness campaign, inspiring audiences
BASE and DEGI are proud to share this report that documents both the challenges and the optimism in our category, and which showcases the limitless potential of the sector when we embrace the co-evolution of multiple entertainment formats and channels.
Types of Education
Moments Worth Paying For
The long-running Moments Worth Paying
For campaign celebrates the value of the content and
encourages film fans to purchase a cinema ticket. The campaign features in cinemas, online and across Out of Home.
Moments Worth Paying For offers a unique complement to
wider education efforts and aims to engenders support for the audio-visual industry and encourages people to reconsider their behaviour.
Disruption Campaign
The digital disruption campaign, has run in partnership with Crimestoppers and seeks to intervene in the large proportion of piracy journeys that start with internet search. Targeting those new to infringement, in particular before habits become ingrained.
Piracy: What's the Big Deal - Mediasmart Schools Resource
A school resource focused on intellectual property that has been developed in partnerships with the advertising industry’s educational body, Media Smart.
The resource, focuses on film and TV piracy and the impact that has on the creative industries, introduces key concepts of copyright and copyright infringement to 11-14 year-olds, encouraging them to reflect on their choices when considering whether to illegally access content by exploring the risks to individuals, the associated impact on the film and TV industry, and wider links between copyright infringement and organised crime. Through real life scenarios and an engaging film featuring influencer Luke Franks and Sky One presenter Jacqueline Sheppard, students are encouraged to identify the consequences and impact of piracy and to assess how serious these can be.
Curing Confusion: The What to Watch Next Trailer and What to Watch on 4K Trailer (new for 2023)
BASE works with its members to create a quarterly trailer every season, featuring all the new titles coming to the transactional side of the category (EST/DVD/Blu-ray).
The trailer is shared across film sites and social media, as well as instore by key retailers like HMV.
In 2023, BASE are introducing a new twice yearly trailer, the 4k What to Watch Next Trailer – which spotlights the best new titles coming to 4K over the next 6 months.
Mumsnet Film Club
The launch of the ‘What to Watch’ Club, a first for Mumsnet, to amplify the renaissance of home entertainment.
The ‘What to Watch’ Club will recruit members of the eight million-strong Mumsnet userbase to host reviews and recommendations of the latest and greatest film and TV shows – all for that perfect night in.
Keeping the Category in the Spotlight: The Weekly Official Film Chart
Every week BASE works with the Official Chart Company to spotlight the latest film chart across digital and physical film content. The chart is shared with distributors and social media, and includes a TikTok video asset of the top 3 films, shared on the OCC page and reshared by distributors.
Curing Consumer Confusion: Illustrative Messaging Playbook: 2023 and ongoing
BASE works regularly with it’s members to provide insights in to consumer behaviours and understanding around category messaging, resulting in an illustrative playbook of insights, messaging and call-to-actions that appeal best to consumer understanding and response.
From 2023 onwards, the Playbook will be updated twice a year.
Education: How to… Buy or Rent Digital Movies
BASE creates one-off assets to aid consumer understanding of new technologies. This asset was produced in conjunction with the major digital retail channels, to help consumers in their online search around ‘how to rent or download/buy’ a transactional film for the first time.

The Evolution of Home Entertainment
BASE and DEGI are proud to share this report that documents both the challenges and the optimism in our category, and which showcases the limitless potential of the sector when we embrace the co-evolution of multiple entertainment formats and channels. The way we watch has changed. The market has changed. But from crisis, comes transformation. There has never been a more crucial moment for our industry to reflect on what has gone, and to look ahead with a bold vision of what will be.
Fostering Community: The BASE/DEGI Positive Impact Programme
BASE introduced the Positive Impact Programme (PIP) in late 2022, to help colleagues across the industry come together to amplify the good Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work being carried out in their individual organisations. PIP will share and facilitate both learning and action across Home Entertainment across the next years, both by hosting the best-practice examples of entertainment DEI work, but also by organisaing events, and spotlighting and spearheading organisations that can help the catgory be the most diverse, equitable and inclusive sector possible.
Piracy a Problem Shared
PIRACY: A PROBLEM SHARED, looks at how the combination of professionalised piracy, technological convenience, gaps in regulatory protections, and media advocacy of infringing practices are creating a potentially perfect breeding ground for infringement.